
2023-02-28 21:40:01 植物知识 77440次阅读 投稿:ღ被抛弃的人࿐
最佳答案1. Make sure the orchid has good drainage.2. Keep the orchid in a bright, indirect sunlight
1. Make sure the orchid has good drainage.
2. Keep the orchid in a bright, indirect sunlight spot.
3. Water your orchid regularly with lukewarm water, but don’t let it sit in standing water.
4. Fertilize your orchid every two weeks during its growing season with a balanced fertilizer diluted to half strength.
5. Repot your orchid when necessary, usually every other year, using a potting mix specifically formulated for orchids and a pot that has drainage holes in the bottom and sides to allow excess water to escape quickly from the soil surface and roots of the plant.
6. Check for pests such as mealybugs, scale insects, aphids and spider mites regularly and treat them if necessary with an insecticidal soap spray solution at least once per month during its growing season (April through October).